GCI Central Education Center

As of 2023, the Green Clean Institute has dramatically upgraded our content and presentation platform.  Courses are being republished as video course that can be taken by computer or smartphone.  A login is required to gain access to courses.  If you are an existing GCI customer, we are issuing new passcodes so you have all the latest and best advantages.  In this new format, you can easily offer staff training in groups with a large screen, computer, and smart phone for individual training.

All certificates are printed and sent by mail to the OFFICE/MANAGER of the company.  Testing is simple and easy, so please REQUIRE GCI Green Cleaning Technician training for all your employees.  

All links below REQUIRE a PASSWORD to access the materials.  If you need assistance, please contact our office.

•••••••••••• NEW March 2023 Course ••••••••••••

BloodBorne Pathogen Cleaning & Safety Protocols

••••••••••• For Cleaning Service Workers •••••••••••••

BRAND NEW video training course that includes Coronavirus information not found elsewhere.  This is a 25 minute course that will be updated weekly as needed.  This course is for cleaning service workers who will clean infected buildings.  Those who take this course will be invited to new updates, best practices, and product development for the coronavirus.


GCI Basic Cleaning Course is for new hires who need orientation to good understanding of their duties.  One video is required, but there is no test.  Student can print off his/her test results as proof of completion.  No certificate is issued.  This course has all the important advisories and instructions that management will want to convey to all new workers.  This  is not instructions in various clenaing procedures, but intended to provide the important instructions every new hire should hear.




GCI Green Cleaning Technician is for all your employees and staff.  We include your purchasing agents for this course.  There are six videos in all, and a test link is provided at the end of the course modules.  Students may take the training more than once and may take the test more than once.  



Infection Control - Cleaning for Coronavirus Video Course


GCI Green Cleaning Technician is for all your employees and staff.  We include your purchasing agents for this course.  There are six videos in all, and a test link is provided at the end of the course modules.  Students may take the training more than once and may take the test more than once.  





Este curso es para todos sus empleados y personal. Incluimos sus agentes de compras para este curso. Hay seis videos en total, y se proporciona un enlace de prueba al final de los módulos del curso. Los estudiantes pueden tomar el entrenamiento más de una vez y pueden tomar el examen más de una vez.  


The Green Cities Green Building Program


NOTE:  To complete your GCI Silver Firm status and recieve your GCI Silver Firm certificate, please have the majority of your fulltime staff take the GCI Green Cleaning Technician course.



Understanding Microfiber GCI EVS COURSE
Green Infection Control Workplace Detoxification

Problems accessing the new viceo courses?  Call (815) 793-7043 or email at office@gcicertified.com